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Problem connecting to 32 bit prcoess from 64 bit process

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:34 am
by Anadi
We recently moved to RCF 2.0.
On connecting to a server running on 32 bit process from a 64 bit process, I am running into an exception:

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 [17: Unexpected peer disconnection.][0: No sub system.][0: ][What: ][Context: c:\build_tools\packages\rcf-\src\rcf\ConnectionOrientedClientTransport.cpp:277
The code I am using to connect is :

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client.reset( new  RcfClient<I_Service>( RCF::TcpEndpoint(, nPort) ) ) ;
	const int	RPC_TIMEOUT		= nTimeout * 1000 ;
	const int	CONNECT_TIMEOUT	= nConnectTimeOut * 1000 ;

client->getClientStub().setRemoteCallTimeoutMs( 90);
client->getClientStub().setConnectTimeoutMs( 15 ) ;
client->getClientStub().getTransport().setMaxMessageLength(1024*1024) ; 
client->FunctionCall(Arg1, Arg2);
The exception comes when I make the function call : (FunctionCall) from client! The issue exists only when the server is running on a 32 bit process and the client is running on 64 bit process . If client also is 32 bit process, there is no issue.

What can be causing this issue ?

Re: Problem connecting to 32 bit prcoess from 64 bit process

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:17 pm
by jarl
The most likely cause of this, is serialization of types whose bitwise size depends on the compiler. For example, 32 bit Visual C++ defines std::size_t as a 32 bit integer, while 64 bit C++ defines it as a 64 bit integer. So if you serialize a std::size_t anywhere in the arguments of your remote call, that will cause an incompatibility.

The same goes for "long" with gcc.

You can use the typedefs in boost/cstdint.hpp to get around this:


Re: Problem connecting to 32 bit prcoess from 64 bit process

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:28 am
by Anadi
I was using RCF_BOOST_SERIALIZATION macro. On removing that the problem went away.

Actually, I can recreate the problem when compiling the RCF demo code with RCF_BOOST_SERIALIZATION macro and running a 64 bit client and a 32 bit server in an x64 box. We are using boost 1.53

Thanks for your help!

Re: Problem connecting to 32 bit prcoess from 64 bit process

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:52 am
by jarl
OK, I see what the problem is. Boost.Serialization binary archives are not compatible across different platforms. For example: ... -platforms

You'll either need to use Boost.Serialization text archives:

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, (although it is likely to be slower), or you can use regular RCF binary serialization, which is fast and compatible across different platforms.