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CAny | Generic container type used to hold arbitrary objects |
CBandwidthQuota | Describes a unit of bandwidth, to be used by downloads or uploads, for a single connection or a group of connections |
CByteBuffer | |
CCertificate | Base class for all RCF certificate classes |
CClientStub | Controls the client side of a RCF connection |
CClientTransport | Base class for all client transports |
CEndpoint | Base class for all network endpoint types |
CException | Base class for all RCF exceptions |
CFileDownloadInfo | Server-side information about a file download taking place from a RcfServer |
CFileTransferOptions | Client side options for downloading and uploading files |
CFileTransferProgress | Describes progress of a file download or upload |
CFileUploadInfo | Server-side information about a file upload taking place to a RcfServer |
CFuture | Provides the ability for remote calls to be executed asynchronously |
CFutureConverter | Utility class used by RCF to determine whether a remote call should be performed synchronously or asynchronously |
CGlobals | Contains global RCF settings |
CHttpCookie | Represents an HTTP cookie, with a name and value |
CHttpEndpoint | Represents a HTTP endpoint |
CHttpMessageVerifier | HTTP message verification mechanism, to allow applications to verify HTTP message payloads using custom HTTP headers |
CHttpsEndpoint | Represents a HTTPS endpoint |
CI_RcfClient | Base class of all RcfClient<> templates |
CIpAddress | Represents an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) |
CIpAddressV4 | Represents an IPv4 IP address |
CIpAddressV6 | Represents an IPv6 IP address |
CIpClientTransport | Base class for IP-based client transports. Provides IP-related functionality |
CIpServerTransport | Base class for IP-based server transports. Provides IP-related functionality |
CLogTarget | Base class for log targets |
CLogToFile | Configures log output to be directed to a log file |
CLogToFunc | Configures log output to be directed to a user-supplied function |
CLogToStdout | Configures log output to be directed to standard output |
CNoRemoteAddress | Indicates that no remote address is available |
CObjectPool | Manages a cache of objects of various types |
CPemCertificate | Use this class to load a certificate from .pem format. Only applicable to OpenSSL |
CPfxCertificate | Use this class to load a certificate from .pfx format. Only applicable to Schannel |
CProxyEndpoint | Represents a proxy endpoint |
CPublisher | Represents a single publisher within a RcfServer. To create a publisher, use RcfServer::createPublisher() |
CPublisherBase | Base class of all publishers |
CPublisherParms | General configuration of a publisher |
CRcfInit | RCF initialization sentry class. Internally reference counted. Constructor calls RCF::init(). Destructor calls RCF::deinit() |
CRcfServer | Provides RCF server-side functionality |
CRcfSession | Represents a server side session, associated with a client connection |
CRemoteAddress | Describes the network address of a remote peer |
CRemoteCallContext | |
CRemoteCallContextImpl | Base class of RemoteCallContext |
CRemoteCallInfo | Contains details about the currently executing remote call |
CRemoteCallProgressInfo | Describes the status of a remote call while in progress. See RCF::ClientStub::setRemoteCallProgressCallback() |
CRemoteException | Represents an error that occurs on a RCF server and is transmitted back to the client |
CServerBinding | Represents the binding of a server-side servant object to a RCF interface |
CServerTransport | Base class for all server transports |
CSspiImpersonator | Allows the server side of a SSPI-based connection to impersonate the client. Only applicable to connections using NTLM, Kerberos or Negotiate transport protocols |
CStoreCertificate | Represents a certificate in a Windows certificate store |
CStoreCertificateIterator | Iterates over the certificates in a Windows certificate store |
CSubscription | Represents a subscription to a RCF publisher. To create a subscription, use RcfServer::createSubscription() |
CSubscriptionParms | General configuration of a subscription |
CTcpEndpoint | Represents a TCP endpoint |
CThreadPool | Represents a server-side thread pool |
CUdpEndpoint | Represents a UDP endpoint |
CUnixLocalEndpoint | Represents a UNIX local socket endpoint. Only available on UNIX platforms |
CVersioningException | Represents a versioning error raised by a server. Allows the server to specify runtime and archive versions |
CWin32Certificate | Represents an in-memory certificate, either from a remote peer or loaded from a local certificate store. Only applicable to Schannel |
CWin32NamedPipeEndpoint | Represents a Win32 named pipe endpoint. Only available on Windows platforms |
CWin32NamedPipeImpersonator | Allows the server side of a Win32 named pipe to impersonate the client |
CX509Certificate | Represents an in-memory certificate, usually from a remote peer. Only applicable to OpenSSL |
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CArchive | Represents an archive, in which serialized objects are stored |
CIBinaryStream | Input stream using SF binary serialization |
CIStream | Base class for input streams using SF serialization. Use operator >>() to deserialize objects from the stream |
COBinaryStream | Output stream using SF binary serialization |
COStream | Base class for output streams using SF serialization. Use operator <<() to serialize objects into the stream |