Remote Call Framework 3.4
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAnyGeneric container type used to hold arbitrary objects
 CBandwidthQuotaDescribes a unit of bandwidth, to be used by downloads or uploads, for a single connection or a group of connections
 CCertificateBase class for all RCF certificate classes
 CClientStubControls the client side of a RCF connection
 CClientTransportBase class for all client transports
 CEndpointBase class for all network endpoint types
 CExceptionBase class for all RCF exceptions
 CFileDownloadInfoServer-side information about a file download taking place from a RcfServer
 CFileTransferOptionsClient side options for downloading and uploading files
 CFileTransferProgressDescribes progress of a file download or upload
 CFileUploadInfoServer-side information about a file upload taking place to a RcfServer
 CFutureProvides the ability for remote calls to be executed asynchronously
 CFutureConverterUtility class used by RCF to determine whether a remote call should be performed synchronously or asynchronously
 CGlobalsContains global RCF settings
 CHttpCookieRepresents an HTTP cookie, with a name and value
 CHttpEndpointRepresents a HTTP endpoint
 CHttpMessageVerifierHTTP message verification mechanism, to allow applications to verify HTTP message payloads using custom HTTP headers
 CHttpsEndpointRepresents a HTTPS endpoint
 CI_RcfClientBase class of all RcfClient<> templates
 CIpAddressRepresents an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
 CIpAddressV4Represents an IPv4 IP address
 CIpAddressV6Represents an IPv6 IP address
 CIpClientTransportBase class for IP-based client transports. Provides IP-related functionality
 CIpServerTransportBase class for IP-based server transports. Provides IP-related functionality
 CLogTargetBase class for log targets
 CLogToFileConfigures log output to be directed to a log file
 CLogToFuncConfigures log output to be directed to a user-supplied function
 CLogToStdoutConfigures log output to be directed to standard output
 CNoRemoteAddressIndicates that no remote address is available
 CObjectPoolManages a cache of objects of various types
 CPemCertificateUse this class to load a certificate from .pem format. Only applicable to OpenSSL
 CPfxCertificateUse this class to load a certificate from .pfx format. Only applicable to Schannel
 CProxyEndpointRepresents a proxy endpoint
 CPublisherRepresents a single publisher within a RcfServer. To create a publisher, use RcfServer::createPublisher()
 CPublisherBaseBase class of all publishers
 CPublisherParmsGeneral configuration of a publisher
 CRcfInitRCF initialization sentry class. Internally reference counted. Constructor calls RCF::init(). Destructor calls RCF::deinit()
 CRcfServerProvides RCF server-side functionality
 CRcfSessionRepresents a server side session, associated with a client connection
 CRemoteAddressDescribes the network address of a remote peer
 CRemoteCallContextImplBase class of RemoteCallContext
 CRemoteCallInfoContains details about the currently executing remote call
 CRemoteCallProgressInfoDescribes the status of a remote call while in progress. See RCF::ClientStub::setRemoteCallProgressCallback()
 CRemoteExceptionRepresents an error that occurs on a RCF server and is transmitted back to the client
 CServerBindingRepresents the binding of a server-side servant object to a RCF interface
 CServerTransportBase class for all server transports
 CSspiImpersonatorAllows the server side of a SSPI-based connection to impersonate the client. Only applicable to connections using NTLM, Kerberos or Negotiate transport protocols
 CStoreCertificateRepresents a certificate in a Windows certificate store
 CStoreCertificateIteratorIterates over the certificates in a Windows certificate store
 CSubscriptionRepresents a subscription to a RCF publisher. To create a subscription, use RcfServer::createSubscription()
 CSubscriptionParmsGeneral configuration of a subscription
 CTcpEndpointRepresents a TCP endpoint
 CThreadPoolRepresents a server-side thread pool
 CUdpEndpointRepresents a UDP endpoint
 CUnixLocalEndpointRepresents a UNIX local socket endpoint. Only available on UNIX platforms
 CVersioningExceptionRepresents a versioning error raised by a server. Allows the server to specify runtime and archive versions
 CWin32CertificateRepresents an in-memory certificate, either from a remote peer or loaded from a local certificate store. Only applicable to Schannel
 CWin32NamedPipeEndpointRepresents a Win32 named pipe endpoint. Only available on Windows platforms
 CWin32NamedPipeImpersonatorAllows the server side of a Win32 named pipe to impersonate the client
 CX509CertificateRepresents an in-memory certificate, usually from a remote peer. Only applicable to OpenSSL
 CArchiveRepresents an archive, in which serialized objects are stored
 CIBinaryStreamInput stream using SF binary serialization
 CIStreamBase class for input streams using SF serialization. Use operator >>() to deserialize objects from the stream
 COBinaryStreamOutput stream using SF binary serialization
 COStreamBase class for output streams using SF serialization. Use operator <<() to serialize objects into the stream